Mile Hi Snowmobile Club


Club ride January 15th 2022 9:00 AM at Red Dirt

Jim Allessio will be leading the club ride this Saturday January 15th 2022 9:00 AM.

The ride will be at Red Dirt north of Kremmling off of Highway 134.  The ride starts at 9:00 so try to be there by 8:30.  From Kremmling to the Red Dirt snowmobile parking is about 30 minutes.

Below is a link to the Red Dirt snowmobile parking.  Google maps sometimes tries to route you from the north via CR 182 but it’s best to access it from the south via Highway 134.  Take HWY 40 to HWY 134 to CR 19 to FR 100 and look for Latigo Ranch signs.  The snowmobile parking is on the east side of the road and down a small hill. 

Red Dirt Snowmobile Parking On Google Maps

Beware that there is active logging on FR 100 and FR 147 north of the snowmobile parking.  The logging company has the road plowed down to the dirt in locations so be careful.

Come prepared to ride with:
1)  Avalanche gear.  Beacon, shovel and probe.
2)  Radio.  Channel 18-21
3)  Food and water. 

For more information contact Jim Allessio.

Ride safe and have fun!