Mile Hi Snowmobile Club


CSA Raffle Tickets 2022

Win an Arctic Cat and more

It is CSA Raffle Ticket time!

Please help us sell some raffle tickets and help fund the 2023 Heroes of Freedom Veterans ride.

Each year the Colorado Snowmobile Association does a Raffle Ticket fundraiser.  Three prizes will be awarded on December 17th 2022.  Raffle tickets are $5 each and proceeds from the tickets are split between the local club and CSA.

First place is a  2023 Arctic Cat Blast M LTD valued at $9899 and CSA pays the taxes.  Second place is a $2500 cash prize and third place is a $1000 gift certificate from Klim.

Mile Hi currently has 300 raffle tickets to sell by 12/7/22 and return by 12/8/22.  Selling 300 raffle tickets and earning $2.50 per ticket is $750 the club could use towards the Heroes of Freedom Veterans Ride in January.  Hosting the Veterans Ride costs $15k and so far the club has raised $10k towards the 2023 veterans ride.

To buy raffle tickets please contact me contact the club on the About page.